2018 Year in Review


Sometimes we get to the end of the year with so many things remaining on our to-do lists that we forget to recognize and reward ourselves for everything we accomplished. Every December, I try to take some time to look back through a positive lens, remembering that everything served my highest good in some way. Here are the best things that happened to me in 2018:


One of my new year resolutions for 2018 was to expand my tribe of women to include more exuberant, extraverted, driven ladies (like myself). Despite this resolution, I wasn’t intentional about going after them, but somehow ended up attracting them to me simply by living the best life I could.

I met one magical lady when I sat next to her at a dinner table, and noticed how she commanded attention in the room. I turned to her and said, “you have goddess energy,” and a soulful friendship was born. Another woman reached out to me saying that I was showing up in her meditations. Since then, we’ve grown close this year, meeting monthly with a group of amazing women she put together, taking online courses together and sharing daily affirmations. A third woman reached out to me after one of my Instagram posts. She was on the list of women I wanted in my tribe in 2018, so of course I said yes to having lunch. She too became a close friend very quickly, and I unintentionally fulfilled my new year’s resolution.


Travel reminds me that there is so much more life outside my daily routine, and I was lucky to travel quite a bit this year. I went to Necker Island for the first time, and saw the most incredible shade of turquoise sea that I have seen anywhere in the Caribbean – including Jamaica. I was in London for work during the excitement of World Cup 2018 and got to witness the buzz throughout the city as the Three Lions advanced to the next stage. Chicago saw me twice this year for two big events, and I felt nostalgic being in the city I had called home for five years.


I try to immerse myself in a big learning experience at least once year to get my energy up, be inspired and learn something new. Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within in Chicago was that experience for me, as I wrote about here. But I also went back to Chicago later in the year with a group of boss ladies from Jamaica to see Michelle Obama interviewed by Oprah for the launch of her book tour. One of these ladies captured the experience perfectly here.


I started writing a book in 2012 and did a lot of work on it, almost finished it, then put it down for years. This year, I felt it was time for it to be finished and published, and it’s now close to complete. I also launched my new website, newsletter and blog this year, and I’m so happy to be writing and sharing publicly again. Another personal project of mine this year was creating an online course for people who may not want to be entrepreneurs but who want to find their dream careers. I’ll be saying a lot more about this in early 2019.

All this happened in the face of many personal and professional challenges that at times knocked me off my feet and left me breathless. But as long as we have health, we can get back up again and keep pushing forward, right? Cheers to an incredible 2019!

About the author 


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